Message From The President
“By establishing and promoting renewable energy projects like Solar Home System, Solar Street Light, Solar Irrigation, Utility Scale Solar, Covering all rooftops by solar panels and integrated with National Grid, Grid Integration with Solar Irrigation System, Green Building, Green Factories, Solarizing Secondary Towns and Creating Climate Resilient and Migrant Friendly Towns & Cities, use of Energy Efficient Technology, Developing Energy Efficient Cooling Storage, Electric Vehicle, Development of Public Transport run through electricity and RE, 100% RE, Human Resource development and Training Centre, creating Eco-village in the neighbourhood of towns, Modernizing and Diversifying Agriculture Low Carbon Technology, Green Garments Factory, LED Light Factory, Rain-water Harvesting, Waste to Energy , Bio-gas and organic fertilizer, Wind energy, Floating Solar in Different water bodies Rivers, Lakes, Haors, Ponds etc can explore a new horizon to scale up country’s electricity production to ensure the green environment for our future generation and make Bangladesh the ‘First Solar Nation of the World’ by 2050.”
– Mr. Engr. Nurul Aktar